Sunday, March 31, 2019
Commentary on "Why Is ‘Cultural Marxism’ So Offensive?"(by GILAD ATZMON)
One may wonder why ‘Cultural Marxism’ is so offensive to some?
Because ‘Cultural Marxism’ is obviously truthful and precise in its capacity to encapsulate a crucial and disastrous transition in the evolvement of 20th century Left thinking.
As opposed to traditional Marxism that theorizes over the necessary condition toward social change by means of class struggle, ‘Cultural Marxism’ aims to introduce a change by cultural shift. At a certain stage some (neo) marxists and socialists were clever and honest enough to accept that the revolution wasn’t going to happen. The working class couldn’t be bothered and even if they could, they were too busy attending their jobs. The revolution had to be facilitated by different means.
Meaning of Cultural Marxism has changed over the years. There's a lot of misunderstanding because people conflate today's brand of 'Cultural Marxism' with Antonio Gramsci's concept of Cultural Hegemony. Such is misleading.
The fact is Gramsci was a genuine communist. He believed control of culture would play a significant role in the revolution, and this revolution would ultimately lead to prole victory.
As for the Frankfurt School, they were more about Marxian possibilities than certainties. They preferred Marx's earlier works when he was searching for an answer in 'critique' mode than his later works when Marx the Prophet pontificated as if he'd figured it all out. Frankfurters wanted to return to the spirit of the early Marx when socialist radicalism hadn't yet hardened into dogma and decree.
And they were increasingly sure that the Soviet Union wasn't the answer and maybe communism wasn't either. But one thing for sure, they were ANTI-CAPITALIST and seeking out new social theories and experimentation to arrive at what they hoped would be a better future.
Fast forward to today, and what goes by the name 'cultural marxism' has NOTHING to do with Gramsci and little to do with the Frankfurt School. Gramsci was a real communist, whereas today's 'cultural marxists' aren't. The Frankfurters and today's so-called 'cultural marxists' may have something in common in their fixation with psychology, esp of the sexual kind. But the decidedly anti-capitalist stance of the Frankfurters made them hostile to much of popular culture and advertising, which were deemed to be 'commoditizing' and cheapening the true meaning of humanity. Their idea of sexual liberation was more on the personal level, not something to be mass-marketed into pornography or vice industry.
Also, Gramsci and Frankfurters were first-rank intellectuals, agree with them or not. The book about German cinema, FROM CALIGARI TO HITLER(by Siegfried Kracauer, affiliated with the 'School'), is very impressive even if you disagree with its conclusions.
In contrast, today's 'cultural marxists' are superficial and infantile. In some ways, the higher quality of past intellectuals owed to bourgeois repression and the fact that Jews and women didn't have it so good back then. Bourgeois norms pressured people to be mature and serious about stuff and grow up. If Pauline Kael and Susan Sontag had been raised as millennials, they could have ended up like Lena Dunham and Emma Sulkowicz. Also, the fact that many Jews weren't so privileged back then meant that they had really had to work hard and prove their worth. And women back then had to really prove their mettle in men-dominated fields. No one coddled them, and they had to be tough, like female characters played by Katharine Hepburn, Rosalind Russell, and Barbara Stanwyck. There was no OLEANNA-ish bullshi* back then. In contrast, so many of today's Jewish elites and women writers have been coddled all their lives in rich homes and/or by PC culture. They are easily triggered princelings who can't fight for themselves and immersed in precious bratriarchy.
Also, there is no interest in communism among today's 'left'. Rachel Maddow and her ilk incessantly badmouth Russia's communist past. They also side with right-wing Israel while denouncing left-wing Venezuela. (In the past, many liberal and certainly leftist media people at least sympathized with Cuba and China and faulted the US for making the Cold War worse than it needed to be.) Some college professors do claim to be communists, but it's all a joke because their MAIN obsession is 'man with a wig is a woman' and 'we must work with uber-capitalists to destroy the white working class'. Gramsci was a communist, and the Frankfurters were, if not hardline communists, at least anti-capitalist and deeply troubled by materialism and pop culture.
Today's 'cultural marxists' are totally with capitalism, oligarchy, materialistic decadence, commodification of humanity via advertising & pornography, gluttonous infantilism(of piggery, tattoos, piercing, and etc), neo-aristo self-indulgence with homo-celebration, narcissism(with slut pride), racial supremacism(worship the badass Negro), deep state & pro-imperialism(calling for more Wars for Israel) via the military-industrial complex, and etc.
Now, some on the Right use the term 'cultural marxism' to imply that today's 'leftists' gave up on economics(socialism or communism) in favor of 'culture wars', but such has to be seen as a deviation from(and even betrayal of) the original intent of both Gramsci and Frankfurters, for whom the culture war was a means to either bring about communism or to seriously undermine capitalism. In contrast, today's so-called 'cultural marxists' are immersed in trashy pop culture(concocted by super-capitalists), vanity & narcissism, spoiled-brat tantrums, and celebrity worship. They are not communists or Marxists. And their feeble idea of 'socialism' is NOT about justice for workers but "Give us free stuff so that we can lead happy hipster lives sipping starbucks and listening to reggae & hiphop(and a tattoo on my arse)." Their idea of justice has less to do with ideology or principles than idolatry of Jews, Negroes, and Homos as propped up by media and academia mostly controlled by Jews. (Jews are having some troubles though because they count as white and are rich as hell. Also, PC psychology is getting awfully neurotic on the issue of holy Jews beating up on POC Palestinians. So, even some Jewish 'leftists' are beginning to denounce Zionism and Israel because the contradiction between Jewish abuse of power and Jewish image of victimhood is getting more problematic.)
When Gramsci and Frankfurters were devising cultural strategies, they weren't about wallowing in pop culture but offering a counter-culture to the dominant one controlled by the 'bourgeoisie'. But today's so-called 'cultural marxist' are delighted with junk-trash culture. For them, pop culture is the END than the means. (For many, pop culture is their only real passion.) Now, they do believe that pop culture must be politicized to serve the 'resistance', but what are the 'values' and 'dream's that they aspire to most? Stuff that are loved by oligarchs, capitalists, privileged decadents, deep state goons, and etc. They love homomania, a tool of rich Jewish capitalist hegemonists. Their reverence for blacks has less to do with Civil Rights Movement than rap music, sports, and sex. And they blabber about platitudes like 'diversity' and 'inclusion' via endless immigration-invasion without understanding that such actually undermine mass unity(to take on elite power). They fail to see that 'diversity' is a ploy used by elites to shift moral advantage from the working class to the elite class. Because working class types tend to be more tribal(by instinct if not necessarily by ideology), the 'compassionate' privileged elites can hug immigrants and minorities and morally condemn the native masses of 'racism'. Thus in the UK, the moral advantage went from white masses making demands on white elites to white elites sneering at white masses as 'racist' and 'xenophobic'. Of course, the elites get 'good diversity', whereas masses get 'bad diversity'. Rich whites are more likely to rub shoulders with the Obamas, whereas poor whites are more likely to be punched by Mike Tysons. Elites the get the prime cut of diversity whereas the masses get the entrails.
And naturally, there isn't much CRITICAL discussion of Jewish power(that is so supremacist, hegemonic, and ultra-capitalist) since the controllers of the elite institutions are largely Jewish.
Naomi Wolf is a ditz, but she was good enough to notice that today's 'cultural marxists' are actually working with the War Department to conflate 'empowerment of women' with US imperialism. Today, many 'cultural marxists' are totally on the side of US war-making because their idea of the highest value is globo-homo stuff. Since the US is now homo-metropole of the world, hell yeah, US should seek hegemony to spread hegehomony. And 'cultural marxists' support new cold war with Russia cuz... Russians won't bend over to 'gay pride' stuff(funded by super capitalists and Hollywood and Wall Street).
Today's 'cultural marxists' should really be called 'cultural capitalists'. It wasn't so much that Marxists took over the culture of capitalism but that capitalism totally transformed or subsumed the character of the Left so that there was no longer any real left left anymore. A 'cultural marxism' that is at home in the pages of Us and People magazines hardly has any moral value as an ideology.
A typical face of 'cultural marxism' is the atrocious Laura Dern in the latest STAR WARS fiasco. You see, the new rebellion is in a life-and-death struggle with the new empire, but notice she obviously spent many hours on her hair and dress to take command of the starship in the most crucial of times during the battle. It's all fantasy. The difference is when STAR WARS and SUPERMAN came out in the 70s, people took them for fantasy and nothing else. But now, we have 'cultural marxists' acting as if the real future of humanity hangs in the balance of what happens in STAR WARS, which is why it is so heavily politicized. It used to be, people got serious ideas from books(and some serious movies) and treated pop culture as escapist fantasy. Now, pop culture fantasyland is regarded as the main battleground of politics. As Chris Hedges said, we live in an empire of illusion where idolatry reigns over ideology. As 'cultural marxists' rule most of pop culture, it is said they have won the 'culture war'. But they won it for super-capitalists, neo-aristo homo narcissists, and tribal Jewish supremacists. The victory has nothing to do with real culture or anything resembling Marxism(or even classical progressivism).
In the radical films I AM CUBA and BATTLE OF ALGIERS, we see real revolutionaries putting their lives on the line for real world struggles. For them, it was not a game of Peter-Pan-ish fantasy. But what passes for 'cultural marxism' today is about taking control of Archie's Comics and STAR WARS franchise to churn out fantasies where the 'good guys(and gals and million other genders and intergalactic species)' come together to fight the 'bad guys' who look like MAGA people. And notice that the STAR WARS universe isn't so much about ragtag rebels vs the empire than about empire vs empire. So, the ultimate message is that militarism and blowing up the world is AWESOME and EXCELLENT as long as it's 'woke' according to Hollywood, Pentagon, Deep State, and the homo-hegemonic community.
The state of today's 'cultural marxism':
Monday, March 25, 2019
Commentary on "Tomgram: William Astore, The Death of Peace"(by Tom Engelhardt). The Crucial Difference in State Violence between the US and China
One major difference between the US and China is this:
Chinese state violence has a relative free hand within China but is almost non-existent outside China.
Chinese government will brutally crack down on dissidents and use whatever means necessary to maintain control over Tibetans and Uighurs in Xinjiang. But around the world, Chinese state policy is, "You do your thing, we no intervene in your political affairs. All we want is do business." Chinese will use economic muscle but will not play 'policeman' or 'serial killer' of the world.
In contrast...
American state violence is severely proscribed within the US. The biggest abuse of state violence in recent history was in Charlottesville where the Unite the Right attendees were denied freedom of assembly and free speech. The state-and-media complex colluded to spin a false narrative, use lawfare, and virtual kangaroo courts to deny justice to Unite the Right people and railroad certain members with trumped up charges that led to long sentences.
Still, that was mild compared to the kind of tactics used by the state in China. If Tibetans had tried to pull a Unite the Tibetans rally, many more heads would have been cracked and its leaders would be sitting in jail or working in labor camps.
In the US, blacks can run wild and burn down cities, but the police mostly stand on the sidelines. Illegals jump across borders, but the US must treat them 'humanely'. Tea Party or Pussy March can fill up the mall in DC, but the state allows massive protests. Though Occupy Wall Street was finally shut down by state power, the means were restrained compared to the kind of violence used by the Chinese state.
While America has a huge jail population, blacks commit lots of crime and some get caught. It can't be helped. It's not political violence though.
But when it comes to foreign policy, US is the #1 terror-spreading nation. With drones, it blows up entire villages. It has invaded and bombed nation after nation. It has set up military bases around the world as 'traps'. (If Russia gets into a conflict with neighboring nation with a military base, the US media and Pentagon can spin it as "Russia attacks US soldiers.") The US deep state funds and backs terrorist proxies as 'freedom fighters' to attack any nation hated by Jews(the ruling elites of the US) and Israel. It has used sanctions to starve entire populations. It has engineered coups to topple democratically elected governments in Ukraine and Egypt. The death toll from US foreign intervention since the end of the Cold War is well over a million. Some might say it's in the millions if we count those indirectly affected by the wars and violence.
Chinese government is like a strict father who uses domestic violence to keep order in the house but is courteous to others in the neighborhood.
US government is like a cuck dad who is helpless to stop his wife and daughter from behaving like mudsharks and indulges his worthless whigga son, BUT outside the home he gets to play Jack the Ripper and makes a big bloody mess of things in the neighborhood.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Commentary on "Elite White Privilege"(by Audacious Epigone) & the Jewish Strategy of Power by Elite Control and Demographic Manipulation
The Mandate for Palestine was a dress rehearsal for something much bigger.
Mandate for the West(and then the Rest).
Mandate for Palestine led to eventual Jewish demographic takeover of Palestine to be reconstituted as Israel, the Jewish state, the only part of the world deserving of national identity and right of territory. Jews are mono-nationalist. Only their nationalism is true nationalism. All other nationalisms are false and must be dissolved. Jews denounce on poly-nationalism like Jewish monotheism reviled all pagan idols as false gods.
Mandate for the West is to eventually replace native-whites(in Europe) and founder-whites(in North America & Australia) with masses of non-whites. How does this benefit Jews? Diversity will make cohesive nationalism impossible in white nations. Diversity will create cracks and fissures, and Jewish elites get to pit various sides against one another while taking the lion share of the prize.
Imagine a nation as a Spartan military unit. United and strong, standing together with shields and spears. Very difficult for outsider-enemy to penetrate the phalanx. But imagine a rag-tag bunch of troops of diversity. They would never stand and fight together. As they push each other, cracks form among them, allowing for easy penetration by the enemy.
Mandate for the West thus favors Jewish power in the long run.
Finally, there is Mandate for the Rest. As non-whites flock to the West(the Metropole), they take on PC ideology and globo-homo POZ and export them back to their home countries. In time, even the nations of their origin turn globo-homo and worship diversity. They too allow massive immigration-invasion, and diversity leads to divisions and cracks, and Jewish power can penetrate, exploit the differences, and take over. After Europe, it will be smaller East Asian nations that will fall, esp Japan, S Korea, and Taiwan as yellow dogs are most imitative of the West as model.
Jews think big. With prophetic minds, they look ahead to their grand chess plan for the world.
Audacious Epigone: If the new populations view them as especially egregious examples of the old population and the old population views them as traitorous backstabbers, I’m not sure that works out particularly well for them in the end.
It works out because 'new populations' are diverse. Even if they come to envy and resent Jews, they will be at loggerheads with one another. Browns, yellows, and blacks don't see eye to eye. Neither do Chinese and Hindus. And even among browns, there are so many gradations of identity and color(flimsily held together only by shared resentment of higher-achieving 'gringo' or 'yanqui'). Puerto Ricans don't have much in common with Indios from Guatemala. So, they will be more divided among their own kind than against Jews. Also, as Jews are on top and will remain there due to higher IQ, non-Jews know they must suck up to Jews to gain access into the uber-sphere. Besides, Jews can exploit the 'new people vs old people' dichotomy indefinitely as immigration-invasion is to be endless. So, even as new people settle and evolve into old people, there will be ever more new peoples.
As for old people, Jews only need the collaboration of the elites. Masses don't count for beans UNLESS there is a massive populist revolt with pitchforks(which is rare in history like asteroids hitting the earth). The fact is white elites are willing to sell their souls to Jews for financial gains and on insta-moral grounds. If you're a white cuck and serve Jewish Power, there are lots of prizes. Paul Ryan will make a killing as a lobbyist. Also, as Jews are the Eternally Holy People of Shoah, white cuck elites feel 'cleansed' and 'baptized' by rubbing shoulders with Jews, especially as the Jewish-controlled media and academia made whites out to be uniquely tainted by history. As the result, whites need atonement and salvation, and one quick way to get it is by sucking up to holy People of Shoah. "Look, I got some Jew Magic on me!" Since white elites suck up to Jews more than the white masses do, it creates the impression of 'good whites' at the top and 'bad deplorable whites' on the bottom. This has the effect of making 'good white elites' serve Jews than represent 'bad white people', who Jews say must be replaced. It divides whites along class lines.
Mass-Immigration-Invasion of non-whites is the final nail in the Jewish Strategy for Total Power.
Jews had the unique potential of rapidly gaining the dominant position in the US. Now, how could they when they were only 2% of the population? I mean there was no chance that the Jewish 2% of US could elect a Jewish president. The Irish had the numbers to take over many big cities. Jews didn't. Even in NY, they are like 20% of the population. Jews gained power not by elections but by taking over elite institutions. Only they could have done this due to combination of high IQ, chutzpah, and big think. Also, they could pass as whites, which made it more acceptable to the white majority(than if Asians tried it, but then Asians lack chutzpah and are less intelligent than Jews). So, Jews used the bypass method of power. Just gain control of elites, and you gain control of society. Selection than election. With Jewish control of media, law firm, finance, entertainment, vice industries, real estate, and etc, they could buy off any politician of either political party. Also, with control of media, they could smear and destroy anyone. And, Jews spread the notion of 'antisemitism' that says anyone who notices nefarious Jewish influence is a 'nazi' while anyone who serves Jews 24/7 is the most wonderful goy. Since the Shoah Narrative made Jews out to be holy and since flattering Jews could be rewarded with blessings of approval from the holiest people, it became De Rigueur for whites to roll over before Jews for pats on the head. So, everyone in power became cucks to Jews.
But Jews still felt nervous because having elite power alone doesn't secure permanence. This was evident in the history of the British Empire. The Brits gained control of non-white territories by bullying and buying off the local elites. So, if the Brits could control their puppet leaders in Asia, Africa, and Middle East, they had control of all the territories and all the populace as most people are sheeple. BUT, there was the chance that a real national leader might arise and challenge the cuck-collaborators and the Empire. Such a leader may rouse up the masses... like what happened in Cuba. The US had TOTAL control of most of the political and economic big-shots in Cuba. By scheming with the cream at the top, US could effectively milk all of Cuba. But Fidel Castro and others came along and they led the national masses to victory against the Cuba elites... and this spelled doom for American influence as well because US had put all its eggs in the elite-basket. Once the Cuban elites fell, US influence was gone as well.
This is why Jews aren't content with elite power alone. If white masses reject the current white elites, they also reject Jewish power that is mainly attached to white elites than to white masses. At least in the past when US was ruled by white Christians, there was a connection between white Christian rulers and white Christian masses. But will white Christians, for the long haul, accept Jewish rulers? For the time being, it seems whites are pro-Jewish and support Israel, but could this last indefinitely, esp when there's mounting evidence of vile and nasty Jewish behavior in so many sectors, not least against whites who, besides, are often berated by (((fellow whites)))? What if white masses lose confidence in their own leaders as a bunch of 'cuck-collaborators' and long for an American Castro or Putin? This is why Jews hated Donald Trump with such virulence(even though he turned out to be just another cucky-wuck). Trump ran on America First that implicitly said a white guy like him should reconnect with and protect the traditional (white) American nation. Jews called Trump 'literally Hitler', and even though that is hysterical, there is a kernel of truth to the notion that Trump is figuratively Hitler. After all, there was the nationalist element in Hitlerism that called for unity of German elites and German masses(a good idea before the pathological nut decided to shift into imperialist mode). Hitler was a bad example of it, but there is nothing more effective against imperialism than national unity between leaders and masses. US went from empire to colony of empire. During the Cold War, it was USSR empire vs US empire. After the Cold War, US became a colony of an even bigger empire: Empire of Judea with networks all across US, Canada, Latin America, EU, Russia, Israel, and etc. So, EOJ(Empire of Judea) wants the white elites to serve the empire -- like British expected Hong Kong elites to serve the British Empire than represent Chinese nationalism -- than reconnect with their own kind.
The way Jews see it, AS LONG AS there is a white majority in the US, there is a 'chance', even if a slim one, that white elites and white masses may unite against the Jews. Or, a new white elite will arise(like Castro and others did in Cuba) to reject the cuck-elites. (Alt Right had this chance, but idiot Richard Spencer allied with neo-Nazi morons and yammered endlessly about a need for Faustian white neo-imperialist supremacism.) Jews believe that securing elite power isn't enough. If white elites stop collaborating with Jews or if they are rejected by white masses who demand a new white elite that is actually responsive to white needs, Jewish elite power will fail like American power in Cuba. As the existing cuck-elite falls, so will its master and sponsor.
So, Jews feel that they must secure demographic power as well. But how can they when there's no way Jews can be the majority of any nation except Israel? This is where Diversity enters the picture. Jews know from the Austro-Hungarian Empire that Diversity can be useful to Jews. Recall that most groups in that empire distrusted and even hated Jews.... but they also hated one another and were thus unable to unite against Jewish power and influence. Diversity means Jews can pit whites vs blacks, whites vs yellows, whites vs Hindus, whites vs Muslims, whites vs browns, blacks vs browns, blacks vs yellows, blacks vs hindus, blacks vs Muslims, browns vs yellows, browns vs Hindus, browns vs Muslims, etc. Sure, there is some POC talk about unity of non-whites against whites/Jews, but it's mostly empty noise because non-whites don't see eye-to-eye on many subjects... such as Affirmative Action.
Imagine the NY Giants playing a team made up of players of various teams. All the Giants are playing for their side against their opposing team. In contrast, the diverse players of the other team, while playing against the Giants, are also playing against one another, which makes it impossible for them to form a cohesive team. Giants have a huge advantage.
Jews are masters at splitting the goyim between elites and masses. Jews did this with whites and can do it to ANY goy group. White elites like Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, and Beta O'Dork do NOTHING for whites. Their main priority is being part of the Privilege Club, and so, they suck up to Jews.
The same can be done with ANY group. Notice how Hindu- and Chinese-American elites in the US are total suck-ass dogs of Jewish Power. Once they've been let into the Power Club, their main priority is to BELONG(be an insider), and that means sucking up to Jews while snubbing their own people. Look at Fareed Zakaria. This non-white brownie has been let into the Power Club, and he beats the drums for Wars for Israel. The one time he praised Trump was when missiles were fired into Syria.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Commentary on "Happy Homelands - Partisan Girl"(on Ramzpaul Show): Anglos, Maoris, and Muslims in New Zealand
On the matter of New Zealand, I have to disagree with Partisan Girl(at around 1:16:00) of the Video Above.
It's true Maoris were there first and have ancestral connection to the land, something which whites don't have(at least not deeply). But New Zealand as a nation, economy, and system is entirely the creation of whites, namely Anglos. Without Anglo conquest and colonization of that territory, there would be no New Zealand, period. Whites created the modern nation of New Zealand, which many consider a kind of affluent and well-managed paradise.
So, I would argue TWO peoples have a right to New Zealand(aka Maori-land). Maoris because they'd been there for many thousands of years and have deep roots. And whites because they arrived and built a new social and economic system from scratch. Maoris have a link with the soil and plants; whites have a direct connection to all the cities and institutions that they built in what came to be known as New Zealand.
Then, if whites in New Zealand historically owe something to another people, it is to Maoris and TO MAORIS ONLY as New Zealand was taken from Maoris and from no one else. As whites didn't take New Zealand from Muslims or Arabs, Muslims and/or Arabs have NO CLAIM to New Zealand, which they didn't build and to which they lack ancestral claim of blood and soil.
That said, if the good people of Australia and New Zealand really sympathize with suffering Muslims and Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa, why don't they grow some a pair and condemn the Jewish-controlled US for waging all these Wars for Israel that have wrecked so much of the Middle East as the result of bombs, support to radical Jihadis(mostly by US and Saudis), and economic sanctions(that have devastated entire nations)?
But elites and progs in Aussies and Zealanders are totally shhhhhh about that truth and just express their sympathy by taking in Arab refugees(even though they themselves weren't the ones who pushed these insane wars). It seems Jews tribalize/privatize the gains and universalize/socialize the losses in these Wars for Israel. Weakened and wrecked Muslim nations are good for Israeli dominance, so Jews tribalize the gains. But these wars led to all these refugees, so Jews universalize the losses by burdening OTHER nations to take in refugees(while Israel takes in none and, if anything, keeps taking more of West Bank and are poised to annex Golan Heights).
Anyway, if the 'compassionate' elites of Australia and New Zealand are so concerned about the plight of Arabs and Muslims, why don't they condemn the SOURCE of the problem that led to the Refugee Problem in the first place? You know, the damn Wars for Israel. But it seems most elites in Australia and New Zealand are either too afraid, brainwashed, and/or bought-and-sold by the Zionist globo-homo Power to speak the simple truth. So, their idea of sympathy is cleaning up the mess made by the Jews while never mentioning Jewish power as culprit.
Imagine if, during World War II, Australia and New Zealand took in Polish and Greek refugees without ever mentioning the fact that Nazi Invaders are the cause of the refugee problem. Worse, imagine if Australia and New Zealand, even as they took in Polish and Greek refugees, praised and flattered Nazi Germany 24/7.
Well, such is the state of the world today. Jewish-run US is the source of most major conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa. These are Wars for Israel instigated by Judeo-Nazis, but the cuck-elites of New Zealand and Australia are always full of praise for Zionism and US foreign policy. They don't dare to name the real culprits of the Middle East Wars. Their feeble idea of 'good work' is cleaning the mess made by another without ever naming and blaming that other.
Jewish supremacism,
Muslim Refugees,
New Zealand,
Partisan Girl,
US imperialism,
Friday, March 15, 2019
Commentary on "Mr MAGA and the end of Western Civilization:(by the Saker)
Alas, it also has a darker side: imperialism, racism, genocide, slavery, religious and political persecutions and, of course, two world wars.
Hardly different from rest of humanity.
By the way, race + ism should be defined as belief in reality of race and racial differences. ISM means belief, after all. Using 'racism' to mean 'mindless or groundless racial hatred of supremacism' is to fall into the trap of the enemy. Everyone is race-ist, explicitly or implicitly, because it's impossible not to notice racial differences.
But what the so-called “collective West” (aka the AngloZionist Empire) is showing today is the exact opposite of what the West is supposed to stand for. Here are just a few examples
When has the West, or any civilization, ever practiced what it preached?
I will grant that the hypocrisy is louder than ever under globo-homo Zionist control, but it's a matter of degree than substance.
International law: with the US/NATO aggression against the Serbian nation, a major feature of western civilization died: international law.
True to an extent. Serbia was targeted because it was the strongest state in Yugoslavia and because it was closest to Russia. Also, Jewish power, by coming to the 'rescue' of Muslim Albanians, wanted to propagandize itself as 'pro-Muslim' so as to prepare for wars against Muslim nations. Nice shtick: "Gee, how can WE AMERICANS be anti-Muslim when WE bailed out the Albanian Muslims?" Of course, Jews were being rank hypocrites. Jewish logic says the West had to help Jews take back the Holy Land BUT Serbians had no right to take back their ancient homeland from Albanians who'd come invading under Ottoman rule.
That said, US/NATO intervention in Serbia was a mixed bag. For most of the 90s, NATO had done little or nothing to stop the slaughter, just like the UN did nothing to stop the Rwandan genocide. There was a sense that SOMETHING had to be done to end the bloodshed and cycles of violence.
In retrospect, it was handled badly, but INTERNATIONAL LAW means that nations around the world must work together to stop excessive mayhem in a part of the world. In a more perfect world with a better superpower than the US, maybe something good have come of it. But the US had no credibility as it had used sanctions to kill 100,000s of kids in Iraq.
Law of War and Geneva Conventions: same here, the US is gleefully ignoring many of the most sacred provisions of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions
What of massive civilian bombings in WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, and etc. US support of right-wing death squads during the Cold War. 100,000s, possibly millions, slaughtered in Latin America.
It was always like this. Soviets backed their own bloody regimes in Asia and Latin America. Chinese backed the loathsome Khmer Rouge. The world didn't suddenly suck just now. It was always a mess.
Respect for alliances and partnerships. The AngloZionist Empire has no allies – only vassal states, puppet regimes and comprador 5th columnists.
One of the benefits of being an empire. Puppets are more reliable than allies. Allies can break off he alliance. Puppets always do as told. In that sense, we can't blame the US for preferring puppets to allies. Better off owning a trained dog than partnering with a lone wolf with a streak of independence.
When the Neocons finally came out and showed their true face, they did more than just affect the image of the US abroad, they also gave a signal to their colonial administrators that all pretense of decency could now be dropped.
Jewish tribal supremacist takeover of US empire has been most unfortunate. Though both the US and USSR got their hands dirty and bloody in the Cold War(and supported murderous proxies), there really was a clash of big ideas and visions relevant to much, even the majority, of humanity. It was a world conflict for world-ideas. Big power engaged in big action for big isms.
But, we now have the US as lone hegemon using its immense power and influence to serve the narrow interests of a single tribe(allied mainly with homo supremacists). There is so much tensions around the world to indulge the Jews, a tiny percentage of world population, and homos(the cherry-picked allies of Jews): Jewish King and Homo Queen. Since Jews know that it's too much to ask all the world to risk WWIII, IV, V, and etc. for Jewish interests, they couch their chosen conflicts in terms of 'human rights' and 'spreading democracy' and etc, but it rings so hollow. Or Jews try to spin the conflicts as holy crusades to spread homomania, which actually goes over well with many people in the West for whom queertianity is their new missionary-fairy faith.
Many Russians living in the West (such as Dmitri Orlov) have noted the numerous similarities between the late Soviet Union (especially the so-called “stagnation years”) and the modern US . I myself made such a list of similarities as far back as 2014 when I listed the following:
A bloated military budget resulting in an ineffective military
I dunno. US seems to be pretty effective in smashing nations. Just ask the Libyans, Iraqis, and Syrians. Maybe US sucks at nation-building, but it is an expert at nation-wrecking.
A huge and ineffective intelligence community
Ineffective? It seems very effective. US was able to mess up computer systems in Iran. It has hidden devices in computers all over the world. Also, Intelligence works closely with Jews and Israel, which means all the political dirt are known to Jews who can blackmail anyone.
A crumbling public infrastructure
Depends on where you look. Certain big cities are richer than ever. And even now, most roads in the US are better than roads in Russia or China.
A world record in the per-capita ratio of incarcerated people (US GULag)
Blacks. Evolution made them meaner and tougher. Have blacks, will have lots of inmates.
A propaganda machine which nobody trusts any more
I wish this were so, but plenty of morons trust every word of snakes like Rachel Maddow and S.E. Cupp. And all that anti-Russia hate news must have worked because the great majority of Americans now hate and fear Russia more than ever.
An internal dissident movement which the regime tries to keep silent
True of any society.
An industry whose main exports are weapons and energy
Isn't that Russia NOW? In contrast, the US is also a huge exporter of high-tech, medicine, media, entertainment, chemicals, foods, and etc.
A population fearful of being spied on by the internal security services
Sadly, most Americans have learned to stopped worrying and love the spying. There was some fuss from progs about the Patriot Act during the Bush II presidency, but when Edward Snowden spilled the beans, the entire elite and proggy class denounced him. Conservatism Inc, the arm of the war state, didn't defend him either. It took mavericks like Glenn Greenwald and Oliver Stone to come to his defense. Progs claim to stand for ideology, but 'idology'(idolatry as replacement for ideology) is bigger among them. One of their main 'idological' obsessions is the Magic Negro. As Obama was a Magic Negro, progs just venerated him as a 'historic president' and turned a blind eye to all his warmongering. Progs are more 'Catholicist' than 'Protestantist'. They are more dazzled by 'idolic' symbols and spectacles than true to the letter of progressive ideology.
A financially catastrophic over-reach of the empire across the planet
US is financially over-stretched, but I don't think its overseas empire is the main problem. It's bankers privatizing profits and socializing losses, and it's the masses hooked to entitlements.
An awareness that the entire planet hates you
Nothing new here, but there was always love/hate between US and the world. After all, the world still wants to come to the US and become Americans. Few Americans want to move to Russia, but plenty of Russians want to come to US and become Americans. Even Muslims whose nations have been blown up by the US want to come to US and become Americans into rap and burgers.
A young generation which believes in nothing at all
That wouldn't be so bad. It would at least mean that young people are skeptical. But in fact, too many young people truly and really really believe in globo-homo, Afromania, and Jew-Worship, or the Holy Three. Young people worship MLK, Diversity, Inclusion, 'gay' rainbow, and etc.
In this, they are different from latter-day Soviet youth who really were jaded and felt that they were being lied to about the richer and more advanced West.
In a way, the sheer superficiality of current Western ideology and 'idology' makes them more effective. One problem with Marxism-Leninism was that it just seemed boring, dull, worn, same-old-same-old, and tiresome as the years went by... like someone reading Church dogma for the umpteenth time. In contrast, even as current Western ideology and 'idology' are pretty idiotic, they are always changing color and shedding (snake) skin according to fads and fashion. The conceit of novelty, newness, and 'change' keeps young idiots excited and thrilled: 'gay pride', 'slut pride', BLM, Pussy March, MeToo, tranny-mania, Green New Deal, climate change, 'migrants welcome', 'microaggressions', etc. It's 31 flavors ideology/idology. In contrast, Soviets had only one flavor: Red. Most young people are idiots and care more for pizzazz than meaning. As idiotic as the current Western ideology/idology is, it knows how to hook people to a 'vibrant' sense of 'celebration' and 'happening'. The Revolution has been Advertised. This is why so many youths are indeed 'passionate'(or childishly excited) about whatever flavor they're obsessed with at the Moment.
An educational system in free-fall, (the Soviet one was much better, btw)
Many schools are a mess because of blacks and maybe some browns. And of course, lower-income whites do poorly. But US education is pretty solid for Jews, Asians, and white middle class. If we compare US whites with whites in Europe and Russia, they usually come off better.
A massive and prevailing amount of corruption on all levels of power
This is problematic, mainly due to blacks and Latin Americans/Muslims/Asians who bring their norms to the US. Also, diversity increases distrust.
Anyway... one big difference between US and old USSR is this: The MAIN reason why USSR collapsed was not due to all those problems listed above. It was because its elites got tired of managing the system and taking care of the 'lazy' masses. They wanted to end communism and become super-rich oligarchs. And THAT is why the system collapsed. It was blown up from the top.
In the US, the top elites are super-rich oligarchs. Why would they collapse the system when they already have it so good? During the days of USSR, the Soviet elites envied the capitalist elites of the West who were richer, freer, and had more stuff. The only way they could have it all was by ending communism, which was destroyed from the top than from the bottom.
The elites have it better than ever in the West. Why would they do anything to end the system? Trump made noise about draining the swamp, but it looks like he's been totally co-opted by now. Trump is Scump, saying nasty shit about Queen Ann(Coulter).
Also, as problematic as diversity is, it is actually to the advantage of the elites(esp minority Jewish elites) because diversity makes it impossible for the various racial/ethnic folks to unite to challenge elite power. Also, as at least 50% of whites are totally for diversity & homomania and see 'white supremacy' as the biggest threat, they work with Diversity and globo-homo elites to suppress any effective white mass challenge to elite power.
Cold War,
Jewish Power,
Magic Negro,
Soviet Union,
US Empire,
US intelligence,
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Commentary on “Ilhan Omar's 'Tropes' are True”(by Kevin Barrett) — Whites need an Emancipation Movement from Jewish Supremacist Power — Whites need Non-Governmental Organizations to Speak Truth to Jewish Power — Whites need to base their Power Strategy on the Jewish Rise to Dominant Position
Omar leads the way for White Americans.
White Americans are so fearful about losing majority status, but this is because they only fight with shield than with sword or spear. Lacking an offensive weapon, whites only rely on defensive instrument of demographics: "Hopefully, there will be enough of us to stem the PC tide."
But if whites had an offensive weapon, they could concentrate all their force on the sharpened tip against the heart of the enemy. Where does PC flow from? It mainly flows from the Jewish elite community. Then, it makes sense for whites to drive the sword into the Beast. It's like Siegfried killed the dragon by thrusting his sword into its heart.
In a way, whites must begin to think and 'strategize' like Jews. Just think. How did Jews gain so much power, indeed the dominant power in the US? They certainly didn't have the numbers. Jews were never more than 3% of the US population, and now they are slightly below 2%. Obviously, Jews didn't have the numerical advantage to elect themselves to power like the Irish or Germans did in big cities and entire states in America. Jews gained power by concentrating their offensive energy against the top rulers of the US, the Wasps. Take over the brain, and you gain control of the entire body. Jews pulled this off by two ways: They focused on areas that would gain them the most cash and influence: finance, vice industries, medicine, high tech, big media. And then, with power of media and academia, they sought to de-legitimize Wasp power and privilege by any means necessary. While elevating themselves as a morally holy people, they made Wasps out to be a bunch of phony snobs and 'racist' war-mongering scum. Jews didn't need to worry too much about elections and demographics because they took over the BRAIN CENTERS of the operation. As ideas and narratives flow from the top, Jews in top positions were able to alter the minds of the majority by decree and propaganda. And since Jews were so powerful, it didn't matter which party won as both parties had to kowtow to the real bosses at the top. Jews didn't approach Wasps with a shield. They attacked with a sharpened spear or slingshot that hit the Wasps right in the head(and balls).
In a democracy, there's this conceit that power moves from bottom to top. The people decide what they want and elect politicians to represent their needs and aspirations. But this was more myth than reality. In a democracy, more often than not(and today, almost totally), politicians are puppets vetted by the donor class. They don't so much represent their voters as serve their vetters. Jews understood this. There was no need for Jews, who lacked the numbers by the way, to try to elect politicians who might represent them. Rather, Jews should reach the top by means of economic success and intellectual influence, and then they could vet and own all the puppet politicians, indeed even those from regions that aren't very pro-Jewish because, as the game is played, ALL politicians depend on big-time donors, especially in the modern age of electronic media and interconnected economies that have pretty much undermined local-yokel-ism.
There are two ways to practice power in the US.
1. Elect puppet leaders who will hopefully topple or at least check the bad elites.
2. Select puppet leaders by becoming the new elites.
#2 will beat #1 all the time since 99% of politicians whom people vote for are 'selected' before they are 'elected'. They are vetted before they are voted for. And who does the vetting? The elites.
This is why White America needs to stop with the habit of electing 'conservative' candidates and then hoping they will do their job. The fact is they are puppets. Just look at the likes of Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. The donor class might as well put up dummy dolls for office.
This is why we need a new kind of politics. This kind of politics doesn't rely on elected officials. Rather, all we need is a growing number of truth-tellers, big and small. Instead of focusing on elections(which are now meaningless because it's only a matter of time before Texas, Florida, and Georgia will turn permanently 'blue'), whites need to use the power of Narrative to name the power. Not with Neo-Nazi or KKK craziness but with simple honesty, courage, and integrity. The fact is the ruling elites of the US are Jewish-globohomo-supremacist. Also, the great majority of Jews are supportive of this power. All Liberal Jews and at least 50% of Neocon Jews. So, 90% of Jews are with globohomo tribal oligarchy. It is this power that has spreads anti-white hatred, anti-Christian degeneracy, moral decadence, jungle fever interracism, cucky-wuckery, opioids to profit off addiction and deaths of whites, broken borders, evil Wars for Israel, and etc. It is this bunch of elites who pushed 'new cold war' with Russia that prevented post-cold-war peace and reconciliation. This power spreads Hate News against Russia, Syria, and Iran. Lately, even against Venezuela. And this power has blanked out most news reports about plight of Palestinians. It violated Constitutional rights in criminalizing BDS. They use Big-Tech-and-Finance collusion to deny freedom of speech and banking services to True Conservatives. They violated freedom of assembly for Unite-the-Right people at Charlottesville. (Whatever one thinks of the people gathered at Charlottesville, they had every right to assemble and speak.)
The recent C-PAC conference showed how utterly fruitless Conservatism Inc. has become. It has Sebastian Gorka saying we need to oppose the 'left' because it's like Stalin taking away your quarter-pounder. (Given the obesity problem, Stalin would be doing Americans a favor.)
Never mind that the so-called 'new left' is totally in bed with Big Capital that has been leading the charge in censoring speech, deplatforming people, firing & blacklisting people based on creed, ruining Christian bakers who refuse to participate in degeneracy, and even denying banking services(which should be criminal as people can't live without banking -- what are they supposed to do, hide all their cash under the bed?). It's especially contemptible because Big Banks used the government to force ALL taxpayers to bail them out, but now, they are selectively denying service to people on the basis of ideology. Meanwhile, Zionist supremacists who spread Wars for Israel, tyrannize Palestinians, and aid ISIS terrorists in Syria can raise all the cash they want and use all the finance and big-tech services as they please. This isn't about Big Tech waging war on 'hate'. It's about imperialist-supremacists clamping down on nationalists who prefer 'republic, not an empire'. Just like Japanese Imperialists shut down Japanese patriots who wanted the Japanese military to withdraw from China and mind its own business, the globo-homo imperialists clamp down on Western nationalists who say NO MORE to empire and call for border security and sovereignty. Imperialism hates limited nationalism. These globo-homo imperialist are even worse than imperialists of old who, at the very least, felt loyalty to their mother country, e.g. British Imperialists believed in Queen and Country, French Imperialists believed in the French Republic, and Japanese Imperialists believed in Sacred Japan. In contrast, globo-homo imperialists in the US see the US itself as just another colony. So, the US isn't the core base, fortress motherland, of their power projection. Rather, the US itself must be invaded and taken over by globalism. In contrast, even as British Imperialists took over foreign domains, they made sure foreigners didn't take over Britain. Of course, today's UK is the same as the US. It takes part in globo-homo imperialism to support Wars for Israel, spread hate and paranoia against whatever Jews hate, and welcomes massive Third World invasion to turn UK into something like North Africa + Pakistan. Granted, there is ONE nation that globo-homo imperialism protects and safeguards as worthy of national survival and sovereignty, and that is, of course, Israel. Globo-homo Imperialism is Mono-Nationalist in insisting that Jews and Only Jews are deserving of national identity, national pride, and national territory. All other peoples and lands must put out to endless waves of globo-homo madness, be they in the form of military invasions, economic sanctions, homomania, jungle fever, and demographic transformation via endless immigration-invasions. Globo-Homo says NO to Poly-Nationalism that respects the identities and territories of all peoples.
White people must learn from the Jewish Way of Power. While demography is destiny, so is elitocracy. After all, Latin America is majority non-white, but whites have managed to hold most of the power. And Jews have economic dominance in South Africa, and Asian-Indians have most politicians in their pockets in Kenya and some other African nations. And Chinese minorities have immense clout in Southeast Asian nations. And Jews, though even a tinier minority in Europe than in the US, have tremendous sway over UK, France, Russia, Germany, and etc.
Now, gaining elitocratic power isn't easy. Jews lucked out due to higher IQ, stronger personality & will, and long historical experience of networking in the diaspora. So, no people can just gain elitocratic power... just like most people can't make it in professional sports simply because they want to or work hard at it. Genetics favors blacks in brawn, and genetics favors Jews in brains. Still, as the saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat.
Even with all the censorship and deplatforming, there are many ways by which whites can get their voices heard to strike fear into the heart of the ruling power. For inspiration, whites should look to Ilhan Omar and BDS movement. Omar has very little power in Congress as a freshman representative. But with a few tweets, she has made the entire Jewish Establishment shake in their boots. If ONE politician can make a difference, imagine what several more could do? And then even more? Now, one may argue that she's been able to get away with this because she is black, a woman, and Muslim. Jewish Power, in order to smear Donald Trump as a 'Islamophobe', elevated people like Omar in the hope that she would only bash 'evil racist conservatives', but she struck out at the Lobby as well, and if anything, all those 'evil racist' Republicans came to the aid of Jewish Power. ROTFL.
Jews: "Omar, we noble Jews support you against those evil racist white male Republicans."
White Republicans: "Dear Noble Jews, we cucky-wuck white Christians support you Jews against that vile and evil anti-Semite Ilhan Omar." Imagine Bill recruits Bob to beat up John. So, Bob beats up John while Bill cackles with hideous glee. But then, Bob turns around and slaps Bill. Now, how should John react? He should be cheering on Bob for beating on Bill for a change, right? But in US politics, John denounces Bob for beating on Bill even though Bill got Bob to beat up John. Jews use Muslims to beat up whites -- Jews also use whites to beat up Muslims in the Middle East -- , but when Muslims badmouth Jewish supremacist power, whites grovel before Jews and offer them protection from Muslims. Jews get an attack dog to maul whites, but when the dog barks at Jews, whites denounce the dog for daring to defy the master. Then, it's no wonder why whites are losing in the US. Never mind all these elections. The main reason why whites lose is they are most slavish to the very people who are most hellbent on white destruction. Why are whites so slavish? Because there isn't a single White America. There are two Americas ideologically and culturally. Ideologically, so many whites have been brainwashed to be self-loathing that they welcome their own demise and hate whites who want to survive and preserve the white way. Economically, there is comprador white America and rest of white America. While white cucky-wuckery is despicable, it pays very well at the top. Look at the wealth and status of the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. So, even though cucky-wuck white elites will also lose White America, they have it so good as 'house honkeys' who snub their noses at 'field honkeys'.
This is why White America needs a new kind of power game independent of electoral politics. Consider ADL and NAACP. Or SPLC. These are not political parties but hold great sway in American Narrative and discourse. And consider the rising power of BDS despite all the nails strewn on the road to burst its tires. The effective thing about those organizations is they always have a voice regardless of who wins elections. In politics, only the winner gains the platform, and since he won with money from donors, he really has nothing to say but 'cuckity-cuckity-cuck'(like some blacks have nothing to say but blackity-blackity-black). Palestinian-Americans finally have ONE politician in Congress, but that's not where their real power is. It's in the BDS movement and effective use of alternative media. The reason why Jews dread BDS far more than Neo-Nazis or KKK is because BDS narrative makes Jews out to be the supremacist tyrants over the Palestinians as the people in bondage. BDS cuts to the chase like the boy in EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES and points to Jewish Power as the dominant force in US politics. Jews denounce it as 'antisemitic', but as long as Palestinians spell out the facts of what is really happening in the Middle East, Jews cannot win the argument. And this is why Jews are loathe to openly debate with BDS. So, they use extralegal means to criminalize BDS. They pay off politicians to attack anti-Zionism as same as 'antisemitism'. Jewish power was so afraid of the Aljajeera documentary THE LOBBY that they lobbied to have it shut down, but it leaked out anyway(like the truth about Michael Jackson), and it revealed an ugly reality about Jewish Power and its pernicious effect on media, academia, and politics.
What white people need is something like BDS, ADL, NAACP, and etc. Some organization or movement that always gives voice to white concerns REGARDLESS OF who wins elections. Alt Right could have played this role, but fool Richard Spencer and cohorts insanely ran on White Supremacism 202. Jews would never have gained power in the US had they openly played their game on the basis of Jewish Supremacism. People would have told Jews to go to hell. Jews, being clever, ran on challenging WASP privilege and white power(often associated with supremacist groups or 'racist' laws). Thus, Jewish Power Grab came across as ennobled by association with combating unfair white domination and discrimination. Of course, Jews were not trying to be equal with rest of America but merely weakening White Elite Power so that Jewish Power could replace it. But, the lesson to learn is that Jews moralized their agenda with a theory of justice. In contrast, there was Richard Spencer the fool pontificating about how he and a new Aryan aristocracy deserve to rule because they are like James Bond crossed with Darth Vader. He should write comic book fantasies. A movement so devoid of moral element has no legs to stand on, especially in the US where the concept(though usually a conceit) of 'human rights' is so important in public consciousness. The fatf*** Matt Heimbach was yet another clown. He could have done something worthy by championing the white working class faced with a host of problems ranging from 'free trade' outsourcing to opioid crisis. He gave lip-service to some of these concerns but just couldn't resist putting on Nazi helmets and playing fat fuhrer, which made it so easy for the MSM to paint him as Neo-Nazi(and it seems the moron is really that). I suppose it's more fun to 'larp' as superhero white-knights than roll up the sleeves to do some real work. All this arrogance and hubris led to the fall of the Alt Right... just like the implosion of the Black Panthers who overestimated their awesomeness. Cucky-wuckery is bad, but so is Cocky-Wockery. As Harry Callahan said in MAGNUM FORCE, "A man's got to know his limitations."
This is why a truly effective white movement must emphasize White LIBERATION and White EMANCIPATION. The notion of 'liberation' and 'emancipation' raises the question of 'freedom and independence from WHAT or WHOM?' And that is when whites can make a most effective and potent case against Jewish Power as the ruling and dominant power in the US. For proof, listen to this local-yokel from Montana in the video below. Even before she could run her campaign, Jewish supremacists descended on her like locusts and made her sign this, that, and everything under the sun for Jewish-Zionist interests. She admits she didn't even know where Israel was on the map. As a person of Montana, she wanted to do something for her own people, but Jewish Power made her offers she couldn't refuse.
Now, we can't expect political hacks and puppets to speak honestly to Power. US democracy is a mere shell. It's like hermit-crab-democracy, where the shell exists but without the original organism that has been replaced by another organism that uses the shell for its own purposes. Call it shellocracy or shillocracy, but US politicians are puppets and can't be trusted to do anything.
This is why blacks have often turned to NAACP and even Nation of Islam. Given that NAACP is so controlled by Jewish money, there is more truth coming from Nation of Islam though its ideology is poisonous and its leader, Farrakhan, though courageous, is a pathological nut. Still, Nation of Islam is invaluable in some ways because it often voices truths that no one is willing to talk about. Now, it is morally compromised because it stands for its own brand of supremacism on some crackpot theory about Yakub grafting the evil white race out of the black race, and etc. It has the same problem as Spencer's Alt Right that, even as it bitches about Jewish power, dreams of a white supremacist world in which Spencer as 007 with Darth Vader helmet conquers all the world and humps all the girls.
A true white movement must honestly and courageously speak truth to the Power and demand emancipation of whites from Jewish supremacism, Zionist imperialism, the false god of globohomo degeneracy(spread by Jews), jungle-fever-black-supremacism(that says inferior white males must hand over their white women to Negro men and then die of opioids), and mass invasions that seek to turn whites into defeated & defamed minorities all over the world. (And being an anti-supremacist movement, it must say NO to anyone associated with KKK and Neo-Nazi craziness, many of whom are either Feds or psychos.) And to drive home this point, whites must draw parallels between whites and Palestinians. Ann Coulter and others try to shame the Jews by asking, "How come Israel can defend its borders but US and European nations can't?" But this is a bogus question because Israel is not defending its borders. Israel is already secure as can be. Palestinians cannot re-enter and even African migrant-invaders have been shut out. What Israel is doing is not defense but offense. Zionist Caravans are streaming into West Bank and taking over land, water, houses, and all the resources. It is the Palestinians who are denied the right of border, security, autonomy, and sovereignty. Sound familiar? Is the situation of White Americans closer to that of Jews in Israel or Palestinians in West Bank? It's obviously the latter. Whites are being mocked, defamed, and ridiculed constantly by the power just like Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza are. Now, just imagine the shit storm -- a damn healthy and necessary one -- IF Ann Coulter or some prominent Conservative were to draw parallels between Whites in US/Europe and Palestinians in West Bank. Imagine what would happen if Ann Coulter said whites can't do anything to protect their own nations just like Palestinians cannot preserve the last remnants of West Bank because both whites and Palestinians are under neo-imperialist globo-homo hegemony of the Same Power: Jewish Supremacism.This is why we need leaders, spokesmen, and movements OUTSIDE politics. Because Jews, homos, and blacks lacked the numbers to take over government outright, they mastered the art of creating non-political organizations to get the message out and drive the agenda. In contrast, most whites just relied on going to voting booths every 4 yrs. This used to be effective for whites in the past because they were the overwhelming majority and because US politicians weren't always beholden to Jewish power or PC dogma. There was a time when white masses elected white politicians who felt some real connection to the people of the community. That is no more. Politicians are useless. Congress is a rubberstamp parliament of the Zionist globo-homo deep state complex.
As whites are poised to lose even electoral majorities in US and European nations in the coming future(mainly due to Jewish PC and money power), they must drop the defensive shields and craft sharpened swords & spears for concentrated attack on the TOP POWER. Just hiding behind the ever-crumbling demographic shield isn't sufficient for whites to keep any meaningful power in the West. Whites must go on the offensive, but against what? Never fight a two-front war, as the Germans found out in WWI and WWII. Go for the main enemy first, and once that falls, move the forces against other enemies. Jewish power is not only the main enemy but the linchpin of the anti-white war wagon. If it goes, the wheels come off. It was Jewish power that was most instrumental in pushing for destructive & supremacist Wars for Israel, mass immigration-invasion & cult of Diversity(which is mainly a strength for Jewish elites hellbent on playing divide and rule among diverse goyim), jungle fever(to weaken white male pride and destroy white female beauty, much hated by resentful & envious Jewish feminists), the new normal of cucky-wuckery(to turn white men into a bunch of sappy dogs that growl and bark ONLY in service to their Jewish masters), Homomania as replacement for true spirituality(such as Christianity) and true morality, and the Cult of Compulsory Hate(whereby all goyim in the West must hate and revile whatever Jews hate: Russia, Iran, Syria, you name it). If Jews love, we must love. Since Jews love themselves, we must love Jews. Since Jews hate Iran, we must hate Iran.
This is why white people need emancipation from Jewish supremacist power. A free people have autonomy of emotions, and they choose for themselves what they love and what they hate. But under the current domination of Jewish supremacism, 'hate speech' is totally controlled by Jews. So, whites must support Jewish hatred against Palestinians, Iranians, Syrians, Russians, and Christian Conservatives as 'liberal democracy' while denouncing calls for independence and autonomy from Soros-ian globo-homo madness as 'far-right hate', 'autocracy', and 'extremism'. Why should Jews be the hands and goyim be the clay? Do Jews allow goyim to mold Jewish brains and hearts to think and feel in certain ways that favor goy interests over Jewish interests? Whenever whites tried to control Jews, Jews said NO THANKS and even NO WAY! Jews insisted on thinking for themselves and forming their own emotions/passions on issues of the world, esp as pertaining to Jewish interests. Then, it is only right that whites stopped letting their hearts and minds be used as clay by Jewish hands. Whites must turn into hands and mold their own destiny.
Look at Ilhan Omar. The tweets of one black Muslim woman made Jewish Power tremble in fear. Imagine what 5 or 10 Ilhan Omars can do? Imagine what would happen if a bit of Ilhan Omar sprouted in the hearts and minds of whites. That would be the start of the White Liberation Movement.
demographic shield,
Ilhan Omar,
Jewish supremacism,
Louis Farrakhan,
Nation of Islam,
Richard Spencer,
White Emancipation,
White Liberation
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